- pypower.add_userfcn: Appends a userfcn to the list to be called for a case.
- pypower.api: Pseudo-package for all of the core functions from PYPOWER.
- pypower.bustypes: Builds index lists of each type of bus.
- pypower.case118: Power flow data for IEEE 118 bus test case.
- pypower.case14: Power flow data for IEEE 14 bus test case.
- pypower.case24_ieee_rts: Power flow data for the IEEE Reliability Test System.
- pypower.case30: Power flow data for 30 bus, 6 generator case.
- pypower.case300: Power flow data for IEEE 300 bus test case.
- pypower.case30Q: Case 30 with costs for reactive generation.
- pypower.case30pwl: Case 30 with piece-wise linear generator costs.
- pypower.case39: Power flow data for 39 bus New England system.
- pypower.case4gs: Power flow data for 4 bus, 2 gen case from Grainger &
- pypower.case57: Power flow data for IEEE 57 bus test case.
- pypower.case6ww: Power flow data for 6 bus, 3 gen case from Wood & Wollenberg.
- pypower.case9: Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case.
- pypower.case9Q: Power flow data for 9 bus, 3 generator case.
- pypower.caseformat: Defines the PYPOWER case file format.
- pypower.cplex_options: Sets options for CPLEX.
- pypower.d2AIbr_dV2: Computes 2nd derivatives of |complex current|**2 w.r.t.
- pypower.d2ASbr_dV2: Computes 2nd derivatives of |complex power flow|**2 w.r.t.
- pypower.d2Ibr_dV2: Computes 2nd derivatives of complex branch current w.r.t.
- pypower.d2Sbr_dV2: Computes 2nd derivatives of complex power flow w.r.t.
- pypower.d2Sbus_dV2: Computes 2nd derivatives of power injection w.r.t.
- pypower.dAbr_dV: Partial derivatives of squared flow magnitudes w.r.t voltage.
- pypower.dIbr_dV: Computes partial derivatives of branch currents w.r.t.
- pypower.dSbr_dV: Computes partial derivatives of power flows w.r.t.
- pypower.dSbus_dV: Computes partial derivatives of power injection w.r.t.
- pypower.dcopf: Solves a DC optimal power flow.
- pypower.dcopf_solver: Solves a DC optimal power flow.
- pypower.dcpf: Solves a DC power flow.
- pypower.ext2int: Converts external to internal indexing.
- pypower.fairmax: Same as built-in
max , except breaks ties randomly.
- pypower.fdpf: Solves the power flow using a fast decoupled method.
- pypower.gausspf: Solves the power flow using a Gauss-Seidel method.
- pypower.get_reorder: Indexes a matrix dimension.
- pypower.hasPQcap: Checks for P-Q capability curve constraints.
- pypower.idx_area: Defines constants for named column indices to areas matrix.
- pypower.idx_brch: Defines constants for named column indices to branch matrix.
- pypower.idx_bus: Defines constants for named column indices to bus matrix.
- pypower.idx_cost: Defines constants for named column indices to gencost matrix.
- pypower.idx_gen: Defines constants for named column indices to gen matrix.
- pypower.int2ext: Converts internal to external bus numbering.
- pypower.ipopt_options: Sets options for IPOPT.
- pypower.ipoptopf_solver: Solves AC optimal power flow using IPOPT.
- pypower.isload: Checks for dispatchable loads.
- pypower.loadcase: Loads a PYPOWER case dictionary.
- pypower.main: Main entry-points for PYPOWER.
- pypower.makeAang: Construct constraints for branch angle difference limits.
- pypower.makeApq: Construct linear constraints for generator capability curves.
- pypower.makeAvl: Construct linear constraints for constant power factor var loads.
- pypower.makeAy: Make the A matrix and RHS for the CCV formulation.
- pypower.makeB: Builds the FDPF matrices, B prime and B double prime.
- pypower.makeBdc: Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow.
- pypower.makeLODF: Builds the line outage distribution factor matrix.
- pypower.makePTDF: Builds the DC PTDF matrix for a given choice of slack.
- pypower.makeSbus: Builds the vector of complex bus power injections.
- pypower.makeYbus: Builds the bus admittance matrix and branch admittance matrices.
- pypower.modcost: Modifies generator costs by shifting or scaling (F or X).
- pypower.mosek_options: Sets options for MOSEK.
- pypower.newtonpf: Solves the power flow using a full Newton's method.
- pypower.opf: Solves an optimal power flow.
- pypower.opf_args: Parses and initializes OPF input arguments.
- pypower.opf_consfcn: Evaluates nonlinear constraints and their Jacobian for OPF.
- pypower.opf_costfcn: Evaluates objective function, gradient and Hessian for OPF.
- pypower.opf_execute: Executes the OPF specified by an OPF model object.
- pypower.opf_hessfcn: Evaluates Hessian of Lagrangian for AC OPF.
- pypower.opf_model: Implements the OPF model object used to encapsulate a given OPF
problem formulation.
- pypower.opf_setup: Constructs an OPF model object from a PYPOWER case dict.
- pypower.pfsoln: Updates bus, gen, branch data structures to match power flow soln.
- pypower.pips: Python Interior Point Solver (PIPS).
- pypower.pipsopf_solver: Solves AC optimal power flow using PIPS.
- pypower.pipsver: PIPS version info.
- pypower.poly2pwl: Converts polynomial cost variable to piecewise linear.
- pypower.polycost: Evaluates polynomial generator cost & derivatives.
- pypower.ppoption: Used to set and retrieve a PYPOWER options vector.
- pypower.ppver: PYPOWER version info.
- pypower.pqcost: Splits the gencost variable into two pieces if costs are given for
- pypower.printpf: Prints power flow results.
- pypower.qps_cplex: Quadratic Program Solver based on CPLEX.
- pypower.qps_ipopt: Quadratic Program Solver based on IPOPT.
- pypower.qps_mosek: Quadratic Program Solver based on MOSEK.
- pypower.qps_pips: Uses the Python Interior Point Solver (PIPS) to solve QP (quadratic
programming) problems.
- pypower.qps_pypower: Quadratic Program Solver for PYPOWER.
- pypower.remove_userfcn: Removes a userfcn from the list to be called for a case.
- pypower.run_userfcn: Runs the userfcn callbacks for a given stage.
- pypower.rundcopf: Runs a DC optimal power flow.
- pypower.rundcpf: Runs a DC power flow.
- pypower.runduopf: Runs a DC optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.
- pypower.runopf: Runs an optimal power flow.
- pypower.runopf_w_res: Runs an optimal power flow with fixed zonal reserves.
- pypower.runpf: Runs a power flow.
- pypower.runuopf: Runs an optimal power flow with unit-decommitment heuristic.
- pypower.savecase: Saves a PYPOWER case file.
- pypower.scale_load: Scales fixed and/or dispatchable loads.
- pypower.set_reorder: Assigns B to A with one of the dimensions of A indexed.
- pypower.t
- pypower.toggle_iflims: Enable or disable set of interface flow constraints.
- pypower.toggle_reserves: Enable or disable fixed reserve requirements.
- pypower.total_load: Total load in each load zone.
- pypower.totcost: Computes total cost for generators at given output level.
- pypower.uopf: Solves combined unit decommitment / optimal power flow.
- pypower.update_mupq: Updates values of generator limit shadow prices.
- pypower.util: PYPOWER utilities.