Package pypower :: Module case39
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Module case39

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Power flow data for 39 bus New England system.

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Power flow data for 39 bus New England system.
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  __package__ = 'pypower'
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Power flow data for 39 bus New England system. Please see caseformat for details on the case file format.

Data taken from [1] with the following modifications/additions:

  • renumbered gen buses consecutively (as in [2] and [4])
  • added Pmin = 0 for all gens
  • added Qmin, Qmax for gens at 31 & 39 (copied from gen at 35)
  • added Vg based on V in bus data (missing for bus 39)
  • added Vg, Pg, Pd, Qd at bus 39 from [2] (same in [4])
  • added Pmax at bus 39: Pmax = Pg + 100
  • added line flow limits and area data from [4]
  • added voltage limits, Vmax = 1.06, Vmin = 0.94
  • added identical quadratic generator costs
  • increased Pmax for gen at bus 34 from 308 to 508 (assumed typo in [1], makes initial solved case feasible)
  • re-solved power flow


  • Bus 39, its generator and 2 connecting lines were added (by authors of [1]) to represent the interconnection with the rest of the eastern interconnect, and did not include Vg, Pg, Qg, Pd, Qd, Pmin, Pmax, Qmin or Qmax.
  • As the swing bus, bus 31 did not include and Q limits.
  • The voltages, etc in [1] appear to be quite close to the power flow solution of the case before adding bus 39 with it's generator and connecting branches, though the solution is not exact.
  • Explicit voltage setpoints for gen buses are not given, so they are taken from the bus data, however this results in two binding Q limits at buses 34 & 37, so the corresponding voltages have probably deviated from their original setpoints.
  • The generator locations and types are as follows:
    • 1 30 hydro
    • 2 31 nuke01
    • 3 32 nuke02
    • 4 33 fossil02
    • 5 34 fossil01
    • 6 35 nuke03
    • 7 36 fossil04
    • 8 37 nuke04
    • 9 38 nuke05
    • 10 39 interconnection to rest of US/Canada

This is a solved power flow case, but it includes the following violations:

  • Pmax violated at bus 31: Pg = 677.87, Pmax = 646
  • Qmin violated at bus 37: Qg = -1.37, Qmin = 0


[1] G. W. Bills,, "On-Line Stability Analysis Study" RP90-1 Report for the Edison Electric Institute, October 12, 1970, pp. 1-20 - 1-35. prepared by

  • E. M. Gulachenski - New England Electric System
  • J. M. Undrill - General Electric Co.

"...generally representative of the New England 345 KV system, but is not an exact or complete model of any past, present or projected configuration of the actual New England 345 KV system."

[2] M. A. Pai, Energy Function Analysis for Power System Stability, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1989. (references [3] as source of data)

[3] Athay, T.; Podmore, R.; Virmani, S., "A Practical Method for the Direct Analysis of Transient Stability," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems , vol.PAS-98, no.2, pp.573-584, March 1979. (references [1] as source of data)

[4] Data included with TC Calculator at for 39-bus system.

Power flow data for 39 bus New England system.