Package pypower :: Module makeBdc
[hide private]
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Module makeBdc

source code

Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow.

Functions [hide private]
makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)
Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pypower'
Function Details [hide private]

makeBdc(baseMVA, bus, branch)

source code 

Builds the B matrices and phase shift injections for DC power flow.

Returns the B matrices and phase shift injection vectors needed for a DC power flow. The bus real power injections are related to bus voltage angles by:

   P = Bbus * Va + PBusinj

The real power flows at the from end the lines are related to the bus voltage angles by:

   Pf = Bf * Va + Pfinj

Does appropriate conversions to p.u.

See Also: dcpf

Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad Autonoma de Manizales), Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell), Richard Lincoln