17 """Python Interior Point Solver (PIPS).
18 """
20 from numpy import array, Inf, any, isnan, ones, r_, finfo, \
21 zeros, dot, absolute, log, flatnonzero as find
23 from numpy.linalg import norm
25 from scipy.sparse import vstack, hstack, eye, csr_matrix as sparse
26 from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
28 from pypower.pipsver import pipsver
31 EPS = finfo(float).eps
34 -def pips(f_fcn, x0=None, A=None, l=None, u=None, xmin=None, xmax=None,
35 gh_fcn=None, hess_fcn=None, opt=None):
36 """Primal-dual interior point method for NLP (nonlinear programming).
37 Minimize a function F(X) beginning from a starting point M{x0}, subject to
38 optional linear and nonlinear constraints and variable bounds::
40 min f(x)
41 x
43 subject to::
45 g(x) = 0 (nonlinear equalities)
46 h(x) <= 0 (nonlinear inequalities)
47 l <= A*x <= u (linear constraints)
48 xmin <= x <= xmax (variable bounds)
50 Note: The calling syntax is almost identical to that of FMINCON from
51 MathWorks' Optimization Toolbox. The main difference is that the linear
52 constraints are specified with C{A}, C{L}, C{U} instead of C{A}, C{B},
53 C{Aeq}, C{Beq}. The functions for evaluating the objective function,
54 constraints and Hessian are identical.
56 Example from U{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonlinear_programming}:
57 >>> from numpy import array, r_, float64, dot
58 >>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
59 >>> def f2(x):
60 ... f = -x[0] * x[1] - x[1] * x[2]
61 ... df = -r_[x[1], x[0] + x[2], x[1]]
62 ... # actually not used since 'hess_fcn' is provided
63 ... d2f = -array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]], float64)
64 ... return f, df, d2f
65 >>> def gh2(x):
66 ... h = dot(array([[1, -1, 1],
67 ... [1, 1, 1]]), x**2) + array([-2.0, -10.0])
68 ... dh = 2 * csr_matrix(array([[ x[0], x[0]],
69 ... [-x[1], x[1]],
70 ... [ x[2], x[2]]]))
71 ... g = array([])
72 ... dg = None
73 ... return h, g, dh, dg
74 >>> def hess2(x, lam, cost_mult=1):
75 ... mu = lam["ineqnonlin"]
76 ... a = r_[dot(2 * array([1, 1]), mu), -1, 0]
77 ... b = r_[-1, dot(2 * array([-1, 1]), mu),-1]
78 ... c = r_[0, -1, dot(2 * array([1, 1]), mu)]
79 ... Lxx = csr_matrix(array([a, b, c]))
80 ... return Lxx
81 >>> x0 = array([1, 1, 0], float64)
82 >>> solution = pips(f2, x0, gh_fcn=gh2, hess_fcn=hess2)
83 >>> round(solution["f"], 11) == -7.07106725919
84 True
85 >>> solution["output"]["iterations"]
86 8
88 Ported by Richard Lincoln from the MATLAB Interior Point Solver (MIPS)
89 (v1.9) by Ray Zimmerman. MIPS is distributed as part of the MATPOWER
90 project, developed at the Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC) (PSERC),
91 Cornell. See U{http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/} for more info.
92 MIPS was ported by Ray Zimmerman from C code written by H. Wang for his
93 PhD dissertation:
94 - "On the Computation and Application of Multi-period
95 Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow for Real-time
96 Electricity Market Operations", Cornell University, May 2007.
98 See also:
99 - H. Wang, C. E. Murillo-Sanchez, R. D. Zimmerman, R. J. Thomas,
100 "On Computational Issues of Market-Based Optimal Power Flow",
101 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, Aug. 2007,
102 pp. 1185-1193.
104 All parameters are optional except C{f_fcn} and C{x0}.
105 @param f_fcn: Function that evaluates the objective function, its gradients
106 and Hessian for a given value of M{x}. If there are
107 nonlinear constraints, the Hessian information is provided
108 by the 'hess_fcn' argument and is not required here.
109 @type f_fcn: callable
110 @param x0: Starting value of optimization vector M{x}.
111 @type x0: array
112 @param A: Optional linear constraints.
113 @type A: csr_matrix
114 @param l: Optional linear constraints. Default values are M{-Inf}.
115 @type l: array
116 @param u: Optional linear constraints. Default values are M{Inf}.
117 @type u: array
118 @param xmin: Optional lower bounds on the M{x} variables, defaults are
119 M{-Inf}.
120 @type xmin: array
121 @param xmax: Optional upper bounds on the M{x} variables, defaults are
122 M{Inf}.
123 @type xmax: array
124 @param gh_fcn: Function that evaluates the optional nonlinear constraints
125 and their gradients for a given value of M{x}.
126 @type gh_fcn: callable
127 @param hess_fcn: Handle to function that computes the Hessian of the
128 Lagrangian for given values of M{x}, M{lambda} and M{mu},
129 where M{lambda} and M{mu} are the multipliers on the
130 equality and inequality constraints, M{g} and M{h},
131 respectively.
132 @type hess_fcn: callable
133 @param opt: optional options dictionary with the following keys, all of
134 which are also optional (default values shown in parentheses)
135 - C{verbose} (False) - Controls level of progress output
136 displayed
137 - C{feastol} (1e-6) - termination tolerance for feasibility
138 condition
139 - C{gradtol} (1e-6) - termination tolerance for gradient
140 condition
141 - C{comptol} (1e-6) - termination tolerance for
142 complementarity condition
143 - C{costtol} (1e-6) - termination tolerance for cost
144 condition
145 - C{max_it} (150) - maximum number of iterations
146 - C{step_control} (False) - set to True to enable step-size
147 control
148 - C{max_red} (20) - maximum number of step-size reductions if
149 step-control is on
150 - C{cost_mult} (1.0) - cost multiplier used to scale the
151 objective function for improved conditioning. Note: This
152 value is also passed as the 3rd argument to the Hessian
153 evaluation function so that it can appropriately scale the
154 objective function term in the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
155 @type opt: dict
157 @rtype: dict
158 @return: The solution dictionary has the following keys:
159 - C{x} - solution vector
160 - C{f} - final objective function value
161 - C{converged} - exit status
162 - True = first order optimality conditions satisfied
163 - False = maximum number of iterations reached
164 - None = numerically failed
165 - C{output} - output dictionary with keys:
166 - C{iterations} - number of iterations performed
167 - C{hist} - list of arrays with trajectories of the
168 following: feascond, gradcond, compcond, costcond, gamma,
169 stepsize, obj, alphap, alphad
170 - C{message} - exit message
171 - C{lmbda} - dictionary containing the Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker
172 multipliers on the constraints, with keys:
173 - C{eqnonlin} - nonlinear equality constraints
174 - C{ineqnonlin} - nonlinear inequality constraints
175 - C{mu_l} - lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
176 - C{mu_u} - upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
177 - C{lower} - lower bound on optimization variables
178 - C{upper} - upper bound on optimization variables
180 @see: U{http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/}
181 @license: GNU GPL version 3
183 @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
184 @author: Richard Lincoln
185 """
186 if isinstance(f_fcn, dict):
187 p = f_fcn
188 f_fcn = p['f_fcn']
189 x0 = p['x0']
190 if 'opt' in p: opt = p['opt']
191 if 'hess_fcn' in p: hess_fcn = p['hess_fcn']
192 if 'gh_fcn' in p: gh_fcn = p['gh_fcn']
193 if 'xmax' in p: xmax = p['xmax']
194 if 'xmin' in p: xmin = p['xmin']
195 if 'u' in p: u = p['u']
196 if 'l' in p: l = p['l']
197 if 'A' in p: A = p['A']
199 nx = x0.shape[0]
200 nA = A.shape[0] if A is not None else 0
203 if l is None or len(l) == 0: l = -Inf * ones(nA)
204 if u is None or len(u) == 0: u = Inf * ones(nA)
205 if xmin is None or len(xmin) == 0: xmin = -Inf * ones(x0.shape[0])
206 if xmax is None or len(xmax) == 0: xmax = Inf * ones(x0.shape[0])
207 if gh_fcn is None:
208 nonlinear = False
209 gn = array([])
210 hn = array([])
211 else:
212 nonlinear = True
214 if opt is None: opt = {}
216 if "feastol" not in opt:
217 opt["feastol"] = 1e-06
218 if "gradtol" not in opt:
219 opt["gradtol"] = 1e-06
220 if "comptol" not in opt:
221 opt["comptol"] = 1e-06
222 if "costtol" not in opt:
223 opt["costtol"] = 1e-06
224 if "max_it" not in opt:
225 opt["max_it"] = 150
226 if "max_red" not in opt:
227 opt["max_red"] = 20
228 if "step_control" not in opt:
229 opt["step_control"] = False
230 if "cost_mult" not in opt:
231 opt["cost_mult"] = 1
232 if "verbose" not in opt:
233 opt["verbose"] = 0
236 hist = []
239 xi = 0.99995
240 sigma = 0.1
241 z0 = 1
242 alpha_min = 1e-8
243 rho_min = 0.95
244 rho_max = 1.05
245 mu_threshold = 1e-5
248 i = 0
249 converged = False
250 eflag = False
253 eyex = eye(nx, nx, format="csr")
254 AA = eyex if A is None else vstack([eyex, A], "csr")
255 ll = r_[xmin, l]
256 uu = r_[xmax, u]
259 ieq = find( absolute(uu - ll) <= EPS )
260 igt = find( (uu >= 1e10) & (ll > -1e10) )
261 ilt = find( (ll <= -1e10) & (uu < 1e10) )
262 ibx = find( (absolute(uu - ll) > EPS) & (uu < 1e10) & (ll > -1e10) )
264 Ae = AA[ieq, :] if len(ieq) else None
265 if len(ilt) or len(igt) or len(ibx):
266 idxs = [(1, ilt), (-1, igt), (1, ibx), (-1, ibx)]
267 Ai = vstack([sig * AA[idx, :] for sig, idx in idxs if len(idx)], 'csr')
268 else:
269 Ai = None
270 be = uu[ieq, :]
271 bi = r_[uu[ilt], -ll[igt], uu[ibx], -ll[ibx]]
274 x = x0
275 f, df = f_fcn(x)
276 f = f * opt["cost_mult"]
277 df = df * opt["cost_mult"]
278 if nonlinear:
279 hn, gn, dhn, dgn = gh_fcn(x)
280 h = hn if Ai is None else r_[hn, Ai * x - bi]
281 g = gn if Ae is None else r_[gn, Ae * x - be]
283 if (dhn is None) and (Ai is None):
284 dh = None
285 elif dhn is None:
286 dh = Ai.T
287 elif Ai is None:
288 dh = dhn
289 else:
290 dh = hstack([dhn, Ai.T])
292 if (dgn is None) and (Ae is None):
293 dg = None
294 elif dgn is None:
295 dg = Ae.T
296 elif Ae is None:
297 dg = dgn
298 else:
299 dg = hstack([dgn, Ae.T])
300 else:
301 h = -bi if Ai is None else Ai * x - bi
302 g = -be if Ae is None else Ae * x - be
303 dh = None if Ai is None else Ai.T
304 dg = None if Ae is None else Ae.T
307 neq = g.shape[0]
308 niq = h.shape[0]
309 neqnln = gn.shape[0]
310 niqnln = hn.shape[0]
311 nlt = len(ilt)
312 ngt = len(igt)
313 nbx = len(ibx)
316 gamma = 1
317 lam = zeros(neq)
318 z = z0 * ones(niq)
319 mu = z0 * ones(niq)
320 k = find(h < -z0)
321 z[k] = -h[k]
322 k = find((gamma / z) > z0)
323 mu[k] = gamma / z[k]
324 e = ones(niq)
327 f0 = f
328 if opt["step_control"]:
329 L = f + dot(lam, g) + dot(mu, h + z) - gamma * sum(log(z))
331 Lx = df.copy()
332 Lx = Lx + dg * lam if dg is not None else Lx
333 Lx = Lx + dh * mu if dh is not None else Lx
335 maxh = zeros(1) if len(h) == 0 else max(h)
337 gnorm = norm(g, Inf) if len(g) else 0.0
338 lam_norm = norm(lam, Inf) if len(lam) else 0.0
339 mu_norm = norm(mu, Inf) if len(mu) else 0.0
340 znorm = norm(z, Inf) if len(z) else 0.0
341 feascond = \
342 max([gnorm, maxh]) / (1 + max([norm(x, Inf), znorm]))
343 gradcond = \
344 norm(Lx, Inf) / (1 + max([lam_norm, mu_norm]))
345 compcond = dot(z, mu) / (1 + norm(x, Inf))
346 costcond = absolute(f - f0) / (1 + absolute(f0))
349 hist.append({'feascond': feascond, 'gradcond': gradcond,
350 'compcond': compcond, 'costcond': costcond, 'gamma': gamma,
351 'stepsize': 0, 'obj': f / opt["cost_mult"], 'alphap': 0, 'alphad': 0})
353 if opt["verbose"]:
354 s = '-sc' if opt["step_control"] else ''
355 v = pipsver('all')
356 print 'Python Interior Point Solver - PIPS%s, Version %s, %s' % \
357 (s, v['Version'], v['Date'])
358 if opt['verbose'] > 1:
359 print " it objective step size feascond gradcond " \
360 "compcond costcond "
361 print "---- ------------ --------- ------------ ------------ " \
362 "------------ ------------"
363 print "%3d %12.8g %10s %12g %12g %12g %12g" % \
364 (i, (f / opt["cost_mult"]), "",
365 feascond, gradcond, compcond, costcond)
367 if feascond < opt["feastol"] and gradcond < opt["gradtol"] and \
368 compcond < opt["comptol"] and costcond < opt["costtol"]:
369 converged = True
370 if opt["verbose"]:
371 print "Converged!"
374 while (not converged) and (i < opt["max_it"]):
376 i += 1
379 lmbda = {"eqnonlin": lam[range(neqnln)],
380 "ineqnonlin": mu[range(niqnln)]}
381 if nonlinear:
382 if hess_fcn is None:
383 print "pips: Hessian evaluation via finite differences " \
384 "not yet implemented.\nPlease provide " \
385 "your own hessian evaluation function."
386 Lxx = hess_fcn(x, lmbda, opt["cost_mult"])
387 else:
388 _, _, d2f = f_fcn(x, True)
389 Lxx = d2f * opt["cost_mult"]
390 rz = range(len(z))
391 zinvdiag = sparse((1.0 / z, (rz, rz))) if len(z) else None
392 rmu = range(len(mu))
393 mudiag = sparse((mu, (rmu, rmu))) if len(mu) else None
394 dh_zinv = None if dh is None else dh * zinvdiag
395 M = Lxx if dh is None else Lxx + dh_zinv * mudiag * dh.T
396 N = Lx if dh is None else Lx + dh_zinv * (mudiag * h + gamma * e)
398 Ab = sparse(M) if dg is None else vstack([
399 hstack([M, dg]),
400 hstack([dg.T, sparse((neq, neq))])
401 ])
402 bb = r_[-N, -g]
404 dxdlam = spsolve(Ab.tocsr(), bb)
406 if any(isnan(dxdlam)):
407 if opt["verbose"]:
408 print '\nNumerically Failed\n'
409 eflag = -1
410 break
412 dx = dxdlam[:nx]
413 dlam = dxdlam[nx:nx + neq]
414 dz = -h - z if dh is None else -h - z - dh.T * dx
415 dmu = -mu if dh is None else -mu + zinvdiag * (gamma * e - mudiag * dz)
418 sc = False
419 if opt["step_control"]:
420 x1 = x + dx
423 f1, df1 = f_fcn(x1)
424 f1 = f1 * opt["cost_mult"]
425 df1 = df1 * opt["cost_mult"]
426 if nonlinear:
427 hn1, gn1, dhn1, dgn1 = gh_fcn(x1)
429 h1 = hn1 if Ai is None else r_[hn1, Ai * x1 - bi]
430 g1 = gn1 if Ae is None else r_[gn1, Ae * x1 - be]
433 if (dhn1 is None) and (Ai is None):
434 dh1 = None
435 elif dhn1 is None:
436 dh1 = Ai.T
437 elif Ai is None:
438 dh1 = dhn1
439 else:
440 dh1 = hstack([dhn1, Ai.T])
443 if (dgn1 is None) and (Ae is None):
444 dg1 = None
445 elif dgn is None:
446 dg1 = Ae.T
447 elif Ae is None:
448 dg1 = dgn1
449 else:
450 dg1 = hstack([dgn1, Ae.T])
451 else:
452 h1 = -bi if Ai is None else Ai * x1 - bi
453 g1 = -be if Ae is None else Ae * x1 - be
455 dh1 = dh
456 dg1 = dg
459 Lx1 = df1
460 Lx1 = Lx1 + dg1 * lam if dg1 is not None else Lx1
461 Lx1 = Lx1 + dh1 * mu if dh1 is not None else Lx1
463 maxh1 = zeros(1) if len(h1) == 0 else max(h1)
465 g1norm = norm(g1, Inf) if len(g1) else 0.0
466 lam1_norm = norm(lam, Inf) if len(lam) else 0.0
467 mu1_norm = norm(mu, Inf) if len(mu) else 0.0
468 z1norm = norm(z, Inf) if len(z) else 0.0
470 feascond1 = max([ g1norm, maxh1 ]) / \
471 (1 + max([ norm(x1, Inf), z1norm ]))
472 gradcond1 = norm(Lx1, Inf) / (1 + max([ lam1_norm, mu1_norm ]))
474 if (feascond1 > feascond) and (gradcond1 > gradcond):
475 sc = True
476 if sc:
477 alpha = 1.0
478 for j in range(opt["max_red"]):
479 dx1 = alpha * dx
480 x1 = x + dx1
481 f1, _ = f_fcn(x1)
482 f1 = f1 * opt["cost_mult"]
483 if nonlinear:
484 hn1, gn1, _, _ = gh_fcn(x1)
485 h1 = hn1 if Ai is None else r_[hn1, Ai * x1 - bi]
486 g1 = gn1 if Ae is None else r_[gn1, Ae * x1 - be]
487 else:
488 h1 = -bi if Ai is None else Ai * x1 - bi
489 g1 = -be if Ae is None else Ae * x1 - be
491 L1 = f1 + dot(lam, g1) + dot(mu, h1 + z) - gamma * sum(log(z))
493 if opt["verbose"] > 2:
494 print " %3d %10.5f" % (-j, norm(dx1))
496 rho = (L1 - L) / (dot(Lx, dx1) + 0.5 * dot(dx1, Lxx * dx1))
498 if (rho > rho_min) and (rho < rho_max):
499 break
500 else:
501 alpha = alpha / 2.0
502 dx = alpha * dx
503 dz = alpha * dz
504 dlam = alpha * dlam
505 dmu = alpha * dmu
508 k = find(dz < 0.0)
509 alphap = min([xi * min(z[k] / -dz[k]), 1]) if len(k) else 1.0
510 k = find(dmu < 0.0)
511 alphad = min([xi * min(mu[k] / -dmu[k]), 1]) if len(k) else 1.0
512 x = x + alphap * dx
513 z = z + alphap * dz
514 lam = lam + alphad * dlam
515 mu = mu + alphad * dmu
516 if niq > 0:
517 gamma = sigma * dot(z, mu) / niq
520 f, df = f_fcn(x)
521 f = f * opt["cost_mult"]
522 df = df * opt["cost_mult"]
523 if nonlinear:
524 hn, gn, dhn, dgn = gh_fcn(x)
527 h = hn if Ai is None else r_[hn, Ai * x - bi]
528 g = gn if Ae is None else r_[gn, Ae * x - be]
530 if (dhn is None) and (Ai is None):
531 dh = None
532 elif dhn is None:
533 dh = Ai.T
534 elif Ai is None:
535 dh = dhn
536 else:
537 dh = hstack([dhn, Ai.T])
539 if (dgn is None) and (Ae is None):
540 dg = None
541 elif dgn is None:
542 dg = Ae.T
543 elif Ae is None:
544 dg = dgn
545 else:
546 dg = hstack([dgn, Ae.T])
547 else:
548 h = -bi if Ai is None else Ai * x - bi
549 g = -be if Ae is None else Ae * x - be
552 Lx = df
553 Lx = Lx + dg * lam if dg is not None else Lx
554 Lx = Lx + dh * mu if dh is not None else Lx
556 if len(h) == 0:
557 maxh = zeros(1)
558 else:
559 maxh = max(h)
561 gnorm = norm(g, Inf) if len(g) else 0.0
562 lam_norm = norm(lam, Inf) if len(lam) else 0.0
563 mu_norm = norm(mu, Inf) if len(mu) else 0.0
564 znorm = norm(z, Inf) if len(z) else 0.0
565 feascond = \
566 max([gnorm, maxh]) / (1 + max([norm(x, Inf), znorm]))
567 gradcond = \
568 norm(Lx, Inf) / (1 + max([lam_norm, mu_norm]))
569 compcond = dot(z, mu) / (1 + norm(x, Inf))
570 costcond = float(absolute(f - f0) / (1 + absolute(f0)))
572 hist.append({'feascond': feascond, 'gradcond': gradcond,
573 'compcond': compcond, 'costcond': costcond, 'gamma': gamma,
574 'stepsize': norm(dx), 'obj': f / opt["cost_mult"],
575 'alphap': alphap, 'alphad': alphad})
577 if opt["verbose"] > 1:
578 print "%3d %12.8g %10.5g %12g %12g %12g %12g" % \
579 (i, (f / opt["cost_mult"]), norm(dx), feascond, gradcond,
580 compcond, costcond)
582 if feascond < opt["feastol"] and gradcond < opt["gradtol"] and \
583 compcond < opt["comptol"] and costcond < opt["costtol"]:
584 converged = True
585 if opt["verbose"]:
586 print "Converged!"
587 else:
588 if any(isnan(x)) or (alphap < alpha_min) or \
589 (alphad < alpha_min) or (gamma < EPS) or (gamma > 1.0 / EPS):
590 if opt["verbose"]:
591 print "Numerically failed."
592 eflag = -1
593 break
594 f0 = f
596 if opt["step_control"]:
597 L = f + dot(lam, g) + dot(mu, (h + z)) - gamma * sum(log(z))
599 if opt["verbose"]:
600 if not converged:
601 print "Did not converge in %d iterations." % i
604 if eflag != -1:
605 eflag = converged
607 if eflag == 0:
608 message = 'Did not converge'
609 elif eflag == 1:
610 message = 'Converged'
611 elif eflag == -1:
612 message = 'Numerically failed'
613 else:
614 raise
616 output = {"iterations": i, "hist": hist, "message": message}
619 mu[find( (h < -opt["feastol"]) & (mu < mu_threshold) )] = 0.0
622 f = f / opt["cost_mult"]
623 lam = lam / opt["cost_mult"]
624 mu = mu / opt["cost_mult"]
627 lam_lin = lam[neqnln:neq]
628 mu_lin = mu[niqnln:niq]
629 kl = find(lam_lin < 0.0)
630 ku = find(lam_lin > 0.0)
632 mu_l = zeros(nx + nA)
633 mu_l[ieq[kl]] = -lam_lin[kl]
634 mu_l[igt] = mu_lin[nlt:nlt + ngt]
635 mu_l[ibx] = mu_lin[nlt + ngt + nbx:nlt + ngt + nbx + nbx]
637 mu_u = zeros(nx + nA)
638 mu_u[ieq[ku]] = lam_lin[ku]
639 mu_u[ilt] = mu_lin[:nlt]
640 mu_u[ibx] = mu_lin[nlt + ngt:nlt + ngt + nbx]
642 lmbda = {'mu_l': mu_l[nx:], 'mu_u': mu_u[nx:],
643 'lower': mu_l[:nx], 'upper': mu_u[:nx]}
645 if niqnln > 0:
646 lmbda['ineqnonlin'] = mu[:niqnln]
647 if neqnln > 0:
648 lmbda['eqnonlin'] = lam[:neqnln]
654 solution = {"x": x, "f": f, "eflag": converged,
655 "output": output, "lmbda": lmbda}
657 return solution
659 if __name__ == "__main__":
660 import doctest
661 doctest.testmod()