17 """Solves an optimal power flow.
18 """
20 from time import time
22 from numpy import zeros, c_, shape, ix_
24 from pypower.idx_bus import MU_VMIN
25 from pypower.idx_gen import PG, QG, MU_QMIN, MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN
26 from pypower.idx_brch import PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX
28 from pypower.ext2int import ext2int
29 from pypower.opf_args import opf_args2
30 from pypower.opf_setup import opf_setup
31 from pypower.opf_execute import opf_execute
32 from int2ext import int2ext
36 """Solves an optimal power flow.
38 Returns a C{results} dict.
40 The data for the problem can be specified in one of three ways:
41 1. a string (ppc) containing the file name of a PYPOWER case
42 which defines the data matrices baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, and
43 gencost (areas is not used at all, it is only included for
44 backward compatibility of the API).
45 2. a dict (ppc) containing the data matrices as fields.
46 3. the individual data matrices themselves.
48 The optional user parameters for user constraints (C{A, l, u}), user costs
49 (C{N, fparm, H, Cw}), user variable initializer (C{z0}), and user variable
50 limits (C{zl, zu}) can also be specified as fields in a case dict,
51 either passed in directly or defined in a case file referenced by name.
53 When specified, C{A, l, u} represent additional linear constraints on the
54 optimization variables, C{l <= A*[x z] <= u}. If the user specifies an C{A}
55 matrix that has more columns than the number of "C{x}" (OPF) variables,
56 then there are extra linearly constrained "C{z}" variables. For an
57 explanation of the formulation used and instructions for forming the
58 C{A} matrix, see the MATPOWER manual.
60 A generalized cost on all variables can be applied if input arguments
61 C{N}, C{fparm}, C{H} and C{Cw} are specified. First, a linear transformation
62 of the optimization variables is defined by means of C{r = N * [x z]}.
63 Then, to each element of C{r} a function is applied as encoded in the
64 C{fparm} matrix (see MATPOWER manual). If the resulting vector is named
65 C{w}, then C{H} and C{Cw} define a quadratic cost on w:
66 C{(1/2)*w'*H*w + Cw * w}. C{H} and C{N} should be sparse matrices and C{H}
67 should also be symmetric.
69 The optional C{ppopt} vector specifies PYPOWER options. If the OPF
70 algorithm is not explicitly set in the options PYPOWER will use the default
71 solver, based on a primal-dual interior point method. For the AC OPF this
72 is C{OPF_ALG = 560}. For the DC OPF, the default is C{OPF_ALG_DC = 200}.
73 See L{ppoption} for more details on the available OPF solvers and other OPF
74 options and their default values.
76 The solved case is returned in a single results dict (described
77 below). Also returned are the final objective function value (C{f}) and a
78 flag which is C{True} if the algorithm was successful in finding a solution
79 (success). Additional optional return values are an algorithm specific
80 return status (C{info}), elapsed time in seconds (C{et}), the constraint
81 vector (C{g}), the Jacobian matrix (C{jac}), and the vector of variables
82 (C{xr}) as well as the constraint multipliers (C{pimul}).
84 The single results dict is a PYPOWER case struct (ppc) with the
85 usual baseMVA, bus, branch, gen, gencost fields, along with the
86 following additional fields:
88 - C{order} see 'help ext2int' for details of this field
89 - C{et} elapsed time in seconds for solving OPF
90 - C{success} 1 if solver converged successfully, 0 otherwise
91 - C{om} OPF model object, see 'help opf_model'
92 - C{x} final value of optimization variables (internal order)
93 - C{f} final objective function value
94 - C{mu} shadow prices on ...
95 - C{var}
96 - C{l} lower bounds on variables
97 - C{u} upper bounds on variables
98 - C{nln}
99 - C{l} lower bounds on nonlinear constraints
100 - C{u} upper bounds on nonlinear constraints
101 - C{lin}
102 - C{l} lower bounds on linear constraints
103 - C{u} upper bounds on linear constraints
104 - C{g} (optional) constraint values
105 - C{dg} (optional) constraint 1st derivatives
106 - C{df} (optional) obj fun 1st derivatives (not yet implemented)
107 - C{d2f} (optional) obj fun 2nd derivatives (not yet implemented)
108 - C{raw} raw solver output in form returned by MINOS, and more
109 - C{xr} final value of optimization variables
110 - C{pimul} constraint multipliers
111 - C{info} solver specific termination code
112 - C{output} solver specific output information
113 - C{alg} algorithm code of solver used
114 - C{var}
115 - C{val} optimization variable values, by named block
116 - C{Va} voltage angles
117 - C{Vm} voltage magnitudes (AC only)
118 - C{Pg} real power injections
119 - C{Qg} reactive power injections (AC only)
120 - C{y} constrained cost variable (only if have pwl costs)
121 - (other) any user defined variable blocks
122 - C{mu} variable bound shadow prices, by named block
123 - C{l} lower bound shadow prices
124 - C{Va}, C{Vm}, C{Pg}, C{Qg}, C{y}, (other)
125 - C{u} upper bound shadow prices
126 - C{Va}, C{Vm}, C{Pg}, C{Qg}, C{y}, (other)
127 - C{nln} (AC only)
128 - C{mu} shadow prices on nonlinear constraints, by named block
129 - C{l} lower bounds
130 - C{Pmis} real power mismatch equations
131 - C{Qmis} reactive power mismatch equations
132 - C{Sf} flow limits at "from" end of branches
133 - C{St} flow limits at "to" end of branches
134 - C{u} upper bounds
135 - C{Pmis}, C{Qmis}, C{Sf}, C{St}
136 - C{lin}
137 - C{mu} shadow prices on linear constraints, by named block
138 - C{l} lower bounds
139 - C{Pmis} real power mistmatch equations (DC only)
140 - C{Pf} flow limits at "from" end of branches (DC only)
141 - C{Pt} flow limits at "to" end of branches (DC only)
142 - C{PQh} upper portion of gen PQ-capability curve(AC only)
143 - C{PQl} lower portion of gen PQ-capability curve(AC only)
144 - C{vl} constant power factor constraint for loads
145 - C{ycon} basin constraints for CCV for pwl costs
146 - (other) any user defined constraint blocks
147 - C{u} upper bounds
148 - C{Pmis}, C{Pf}, C{Pf}, C{PQh}, C{PQl}, C{vl}, C{ycon},
149 - (other)
150 - C{cost} user defined cost values, by named block
152 @see: L{runopf}, L{dcopf}, L{uopf}, L{caseformat}
154 @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
155 @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
156 Autonoma de Manizales)
157 @author: Richard Lincoln
158 """
160 t0 = time()
163 ppc, ppopt = opf_args2(*args)
166 nb = shape(ppc['bus'])[0]
167 nl = shape(ppc['branch'])[0]
168 ng = shape(ppc['gen'])[0]
169 if shape(ppc['bus'])[1] < MU_VMIN + 1:
170 ppc['bus'] = c_[ppc['bus'], zeros((nb, MU_VMIN + 1 - shape(ppc['bus'])[1]))]
172 if shape(ppc['gen'])[1] < MU_QMIN + 1:
173 ppc['gen'] = c_[ppc['gen'], zeros((ng, MU_QMIN + 1 - shape(ppc['gen'])[1]))]
175 if shape(ppc['branch'])[1] < MU_ANGMAX + 1:
176 ppc['branch'] = c_[ppc['branch'], zeros((nl, MU_ANGMAX + 1 - shape(ppc['branch'])[1]))]
179 ppc = ext2int(ppc)
182 om = opf_setup(ppc, ppopt)
185 results, success, raw = opf_execute(om, ppopt)
188 results = int2ext(results)
191 if len(results['order']['gen']['status']['off']) > 0:
192 results['gen'][ ix_(results['order']['gen']['status']['off'], [PG, QG, MU_PMAX, MU_PMIN]) ] = 0
194 if len(results['order']['branch']['status']['off']) > 0:
195 results['branch'][ ix_(results['order']['branch']['status']['off'], [PF, QF, PT, QT, MU_SF, MU_ST, MU_ANGMIN, MU_ANGMAX]) ] = 0
198 et = time() - t0
200 results['et'] = et
201 results['success'] = success
202 results['raw'] = raw
204 return results