Package pypower :: Module caseformat
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Source Code for Module pypower.caseformat

  1  # Copyright (C) 1996-2011 Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC) 
  2  # Copyright (C) 2011 Richard Lincoln 
  3  # 
  4  # PYPOWER is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  5  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published 
  6  # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, 
  7  # or (at your option) any later version. 
  8  # 
  9  # PYPOWER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 10  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 12  # GNU General Public License for more details. 
 13  # 
 14  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 15  # along with PYPOWER. If not, see <>. 
 17  """Defines the PYPOWER case file format. 
 19  A PYPOWER case file is a Python file or MAT-file that defines or returns 
 20  a dict named ppc, referred to as a "PYPOWER case dict". The keys 
 21  of this dict are C{baseMVA}, C{bus}, C{gen}, C{branch}, and (optional) 
 22  C{gencost}. With the exception of C{baseMVA}, a scalar, each data variable 
 23  is an array, where a row corresponds to a single bus, branch, gen, etc. The 
 24  format of the data is similar to the PTI format described in 
 26  U{} 
 28  PYPOWER Case Version Information: 
 29  ================================= 
 31  There are two versions of the PYPOWER case file format. The current 
 32  version of PYPOWER uses version 2 of the PYPOWER case format 
 33  internally, and includes a 'version' field with a value of '2' to make 
 34  the version explicit. Earlier versions of PYPOWER used the version 1 
 35  case format, which defined the data matrices as individual variables, 
 36  as opposed to keys of a dict. Case files in version 1 format with 
 37  OPF data also included an (unused) 'areas' variable. While the version 1 
 38  format has now been deprecated, it is still be handled automatically by 
 39  L{loadcase} and L{savecase} which are able to load and save case files in both 
 40  version 1 and version 2 formats. 
 42  See also L{idx_bus}, L{idx_brch}, L{idx_gen}, L{idx_area} and L{idx_cost} 
 43  regarding constants which can be used as named column indices for the data 
 44  matrices. Also described in the first three are additional results columns 
 45  that are added to the bus, branch and gen matrices by the power flow and OPF 
 46  solvers. 
 48  The case dict also also allows for additional fields to be included. 
 49  The OPF is designed to recognize fields named C{A}, C{l}, C{u}, C{H}, C{Cw}, 
 50  C{N}, C{fparm}, C{z0}, C{zl} and C{zu} as parameters used to directly extend 
 51  the OPF formulation (see L{opf} for details). Other user-defined fields may 
 52  also be included and will be automatically loaded by the L{loadcase} function 
 53  and, given an appropriate 'savecase' callback function (see 
 54  L{add_userfcn}), saved by the L{savecase} function. 
 56  Bus Data Format 
 57  --------------- 
 59    1.   bus number (positive integer) 
 60    2.   bus type 
 61            - PQ bus          = 1 
 62            - PV bus          = 2 
 63            - reference bus   = 3 
 64            - isolated bus    = 4 
 65    3.   C{Pd}, real power demand (MW) 
 66    4.   C{Qd}, reactive power demand (MVAr) 
 67    5.   C{Gs}, shunt conductance (MW demanded at V = 1.0 p.u.) 
 68    6.   C{Bs}, shunt susceptance (MVAr injected at V = 1.0 p.u.) 
 69    7.   area number, (positive integer) 
 70    8.   C{Vm}, voltage magnitude (p.u.) 
 71    9.   C{Va}, voltage angle (degrees) 
 72    10.  C{baseKV}, base voltage (kV) 
 73    11.  C{zone}, loss zone (positive integer) 
 74    12.  C{maxVm}, maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.) 
 75    13.  C{minVm}, minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.) 
 77  Generator Data Format 
 78  --------------------- 
 80    1.   bus number 
 81    2.   C{Pg}, real power output (MW) 
 82    3.   C{Qg}, reactive power output (MVAr) 
 83    4.   C{Qmax}, maximum reactive power output (MVAr) 
 84    5.   C{Qmin}, minimum reactive power output (MVAr) 
 85    6.   C{Vg}, voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.) 
 86    7.   C{mBase}, total MVA base of this machine, defaults to baseMVA 
 87    8.   status, 
 88             - C{>  0} - machine in service 
 89             - C{<= 0} - machine out of service 
 90    9.   C{Pmax}, maximum real power output (MW) 
 91    10.  C{Pmin}, minimum real power output (MW) 
 92    11.  C{Pc1}, lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW) 
 93    12.  C{Pc2}, upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW) 
 94    13.  C{Qc1min}, minimum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr) 
 95    14.  C{Qc1max}, maximum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr) 
 96    15.  C{Qc2min}, minimum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr) 
 97    16.  C{Qc2max}, maximum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr) 
 98    17.  ramp rate for load following/AGC (MW/min) 
 99    18.  ramp rate for 10 minute reserves (MW) 
100    19.  ramp rate for 30 minute reserves (MW) 
101    20.  ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale) (MVAr/min) 
102    21.  APF, area participation factor 
104  Branch Data Format 
105  ------------------ 
107    1.   C{f}, from bus number 
108    2.   C{t}, to bus number 
109    3.   C{r}, resistance (p.u.) 
110    4.   C{x}, reactance (p.u.) 
111    5.   C{b}, total line charging susceptance (p.u.) 
112    6.   C{rateA}, MVA rating A (long term rating) 
113    7.   C{rateB}, MVA rating B (short term rating) 
114    8.   C{rateC}, MVA rating C (emergency rating) 
115    9.   C{ratio}, transformer off nominal turns ratio ( = 0 for lines ) 
116    10.  C{angle}, transformer phase shift angle (degrees), positive => delay 
117         (Gf, shunt conductance at from bus p.u.) 
118         (Bf, shunt susceptance at from bus p.u.) 
119         (Gt, shunt conductance at to bus p.u.) 
120         (Bt, shunt susceptance at to bus p.u.) 
121    11.  initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service 
122    12.  minimum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees) 
123    13.  maximum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees) 
125  Generator Cost Data Format 
126  -------------------------- 
128  NOTE: If C{gen} has C{ng} rows, then the first C{ng} rows of gencost contain 
129  the cost for active power produced by the corresponding generators. 
130  If C{gencost} has 2*ng rows then rows C{ng+1} to C{2*ng} contain the reactive 
131  power costs in the same format. 
133    1.   C{model}, 1 - piecewise linear, 2 - polynomial 
134    2.   C{startup}, startup cost in US dollars 
135    3.   C{shutdown}, shutdown cost in US dollars 
136    4.   C{N}, number of cost coefficients to follow for polynomial 
137         cost function, or number of data points for piecewise linear 
138    5.   and following, parameters defining total cost function C{f(p)}, 
139         units of C{f} and C{p} are $/hr and MW (or MVAr), respectively. 
140         (MODEL = 1) : C{p0, f0, p1, f1, ..., pn, fn} 
141         where C{p0 < p1 < ... < pn} and the cost C{f(p)} is defined by 
142         the coordinates C{(p0,f0), (p1,f1), ..., (pn,fn)} of the 
143         end/break-points of the piecewise linear cost function 
144         (MODEL = 2) : C{cn, ..., c1, c0} 
145         C{n+1} coefficients of an C{n}-th order polynomial cost function, 
146         starting with highest order, where cost is 
147         C{f(p) = cn*p^n + ... + c1*p + c0} 
149  Area Data Format (deprecated) 
150  ----------------------------- 
152  (this data is not used by PYPOWER and is no longer necessary for 
153  version 2 case files with OPF data). 
154    1.   C{i}, area number 
155    2.   C{price_ref_bus}, reference bus for that area 
157  @see: L{loadcase}, L{savecase}, L{idx_bus}, L{idx_brch}, L{idx_gen}, 
158      L{idx_area} L{idx_cost} 
160  @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) 
161  @author: Richard Lincoln 
162  """