.. _intro: ************ Introduction ************ Pylon is a port of MATPOWER_ to the Python programming language. MATPOWER_ is a Matlab package for solving power flow and optimal power flow problems. :mod:`pylon ` Defines the :class:`Case `, :class:`Bus `, :class:`Branch ` and :class:`Generator ` classes and solvers for power flow and optimal power flow problems. :mod:`pylon.readwrite ` Parsers for power system data files with support for MATPOWER_, PSS/E, and PSAT_. Also, defines case serializers for MATPOWER_, PSS/E, CSV and Excel formats. Case reports are available in ReStructuredText_ format. :mod:`pylon.test ` A comprehensive suite of unit tests. This manual explains how to install Pylon and provides a series of tutorials that show how to solve power flow and optimal power problems. Pylon follows the design of MATPOWER_ closely and the `MATPOWER user manual `_ will likely provide a useful reference. .. include:: ../links_names.txt